Tuesday 25 November 2014

He's My Brother

Last night, I was in severe pain. 

Yes, I had already taken pain relief, but don't be fooled by those fake smiling people on the pain killer ads.  Sometimes they just don't work like they should.

I had my period and the achy pain that I experience every single day had escalated to a really severe level, like it has for the last 3 months.  Whether this pain is Endometriosis related or not, I don't know, but it's definitely some kind of Gynae pain.  I'll have to ask my Gynaecologist when I go to see her on Friday.  It's been a very long 3 months to wait, I can tell you.

Anyway, there I was, slumped in a chair at the dining table, really struggling to handle the pain.

Then my brother, seeing how much pain I was in, asked me if I wanted to go in the car with him 10 minutes down the road to drop something off.

Now, normally when I'm in pain, I would have said no and gone to curl up in a corner with a gel heat pack.  However, I'm trying not to let the pain rule me at the moment, which is hard but a challenge I'm prepared to take head on when I'm feeling brave.

So I said yes.

We walked slowly out to the car and off we went.

Here's something you should know about my brother.  He knows about my Gynae and other health issues, but we don't talk about it unless I feel like talking - Mum keeps him up to date when there is news I'm too upset to tell him myself.  I have nicknamed him my 'fun officer' because he looks after me by watching TV and movies with me and distracting me from whatever I am dealing with.

So, there we were in the car, me trying to breathe the pain through with gritted teeth.

He got out his phone, plugged it in and said to me "I've got a new song that I want to play for you.  When I first heard it, I immediately thought of you."

Then this song began to play...

It was a beautiful moment between us as we sat there listening to Nobody Knows by P!nk.

I was a bit emotional as the song played through and I listened to the lyrics.  I like some of P!nk's music and couldn't believe I hadn't heard this song before now, but in some ways I was glad.  It felt really special that my brother had heard this song and thought about me while he was listening.

The lyrics really hit home for me, as being a girl with Endometriosis and ongoing pain, it often feels like nobody knows or understands what I'm going through.  I just have to remember that I'm not alone and have my family around me to support me.

Thank you to my brother for introducing me to a beautiful song - you're the best!



  1. What a beautiful, beautiful post Caroline. Lucky you having a brother like that. Good on you for pushing yourself to keep doing things even while you're in pain. It it tough but it does get easier and it does work a lot of the time! x syl

    1. Hi Syl, Thanks for your comment. Yes, I am very lucky to have him. He helped turn an awful pain filled evening into something really special. ☺


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