Monday 24 November 2014


I guess my Endometriosis diagnosis came as a relief to me, more than anything else.

No more wondering if what I had been going through was normal or not, because I finally knew that it wasn't.

As my health went further downhill towards the end of 2013, I was taking time off work nearly every month or cancelling my plans so I could be at home.  It was much easier to get through my perwor each month when I could just work through it and not have to be out putting a brave face on even though I was in severe pain and felt rotten.

Things got so bad that I ended up going to see yet another doctor about my periods in December 2013.  I was referred to a specialist just before Christmas 2013 by him, but he told me that I almost certainly had severe endometriosis.

That was the first time any doctor had ever mentioned Endometriosis to me and told me that it was likely that I had it in the same sentence.

I did know a bit about Endometriosis already, as my Mum had it and we had discussed the possibility of me having Gynae issues on several occasions.  Also, she was keeping an eye on me and what I was going through as she was fully aware that it was possible for me to have Endometriosis because of her history.

It was a relief to hear that something was probably wrong as when I had been to see multiple GPs and a couple of Specialist Gynaecologists over the years, they didn't really know if there was something wrong or not and just said to try different pain relief.

That was the beginning of my Endo diagnosis journey.  I will continue to write more about my Endometriosis diagnosis and the events since then in future posts.

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