Saturday 15 November 2014

Starting Point...

I have made the decision to start a blog about my experience with Endometriosis. 

I'm not sure at this point how much I will share about my journey, since this is a very personal illness, but I do know that there needs to be a lot more open discussion and awareness about Endometriosis.

Women (especially young women like me) need to feel that they can talk about this openly.  I know from experience that it is very easy to keep your pain and feelings on the inside and tell yourself that things are not so bad and that you can cope, but we need to start a discussion.

1 in 10 women suffer from Endometriosis.

That is a huge number, but there is still so little known about this in the medical world.  It can be very hard to get diagnosed in the first place, let alone followed up with good support and information.

If you happen to stumble across my little corner of the internet, then please leave me a comment and say hi.  If you have any Endometriosis related questions, then leave a comment and I will try and help with the knowledge I have gained this year.

Have a great day...

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