Tuesday 7 June 2016

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Still Feeling 22

Tonight as I sit here in my cozy bedroom with my little lanterns providing soft light to my thoughts, I'm musing about the coming year.

No, it's not New Year's Eve, but the eve of the celebration of the day of my birth.  Tomorrow, I turn another year older, so in a way it feels like a mid year New Year and another fresh start.

What do I want from this year?  Well, I would like to be cured of my chronic illnesses, but magic wands are still in the early stages of research and development!

Seriously though, what would I like to see happen this coming year?  Some thoughts...

  • For my health to improve further, or at least stabilise.  This would provide me with a more stable platform to live my life by for sure, and would also make planning for the near future just that little bit easier!
  • To find a medication or treatment to relieve or at least manage my symptoms.  This really has been an ongoing struggle for me, and I've never found anything that works really well for any longer than about 2 weeks at a time.  If that could change, it would be lovely.
  • To do well in my final University papers and graduate in July!  It's only a short course, but I am so proud of myself for achieving this during 2016 despite all of the challenges life and my health have thrown at me.  Now to decide if I want to do the follow on course...
  • Get back into my guitar playing, and sing more.  Guitar has fallen by the wayside recently as I have just been too fatigued to work on it, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon.  Music is one of my greatest joys and is a wonderful form of stress relief, so I will make more of an effort as energy and my Uni schedule allow.
  • To develop a greater acceptance for where my life is at, and to be at peace with the fact that I'm exactly where I am meant to be.  Long term goal this one, but with my faith, family support and perseverance, I'm determined to be more accepting and patient with myself.
  • Make sure I nurture my body and love it as much as I can in every way possible.  To feed it well, exercise regularly, rest when it tells me and just to take great care of it.
  • Figure out a practical career path.  The Physiotherapy dream is still burning bright in my heart, but at the same time it feels as if it's fading away from me.  I know I would make a brilliant Physio (not to blow my own trumpet), but I'm coming to terms with the fact that pushing myself into 4 years of full time University study may not be the smartest thing to do!  I'm not ruling it out, but could really do with a solid Plan B in case it doesn't work out the way I have always hoped it would.
  • To get back into art and creative pursuits more.  I am loving my University study, but it's exhausting me to the point that I don't really have the energy to do much else!  So I would like to find a little bit more of a healthy balance in my life between my study, online, real and creative worlds.
  • For my family to know how much I appreciate them.  Saying thank you never feels like anywhere near enough of a repayment for all that they do for me on a daily basis, so it's kind of a wish really, but I hope they know in their hearts how grateful I am to have them in my life.
  • To one day be well enough to take my brother out on an expedition like he has done for me so many times, and to just laugh and have fun with him without being in pain or having to find a bathroom.  That would be nice.
  • For people to see me as normal, and to see past my illnesses.  I'm still a lovable, creative, kind person with a pretty good sense of humour, and I would like more of the people in my wider circle to realise that and treat me like they're talking to me as a person, not just someone with illnesses.

And just to live another great year, taking as many opportunities that come my way as I can, having fun, getting to know more people and just living the most beautiful life I can.

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