Sunday 11 October 2015

Taking the Plunge

Today I made a start on the next phase of my life.

I took the plunge and applied for entry into a distance learning Course through the Open Polytechnic.

It may not be exactly where I would have liked to have been right now, but my Endo journey has complicated life a bit and I haven't been well enough to follow my dreams like I would have if I was well.

That's the thing with chronic illness - all best laid plans can (and usually do) go completely out the window!  I've found that I have had to take some time (in my case a lot of time), step back and take care of my health first.  There's no point in worrying about what you're not doing, because that's not going to help you get to where you want to be.  In fact, it;s probably just going to make you more stressed, and therefore even more unwell, which isn't what any of us spoonies want.

So, now to wait and see if I get accepted onto the Course.  Hopefully I do, because it will give me another focus and be great for my mental health (although maybe a little tricky with brain fog!).

Doing this Course doesn't mean I'm cured by any means.  I am still in pain, and have chronic nausea, chronic fatigue etc.  But I have gotten to a point where I think I am stable enough to tackle this.  If it turns out I'm wrong, then it will just take a little bit more patience and perseverance, but I WILL get there in the end.


  1. Glad to hear this Caro! Hope it goes well for you, wishing you luck xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Millie! Nice to hear from you :-) There have been a few more developments since this post, but I've been a bit pre-occupied, so haven't blogged as much as I would have liked to. How are you doing? Hope you're well at the moment <3


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