Friday 29 July 2016

Sick, Sick, Sick

I'm so sick and tired!

Sick of bring chronically ill

Sick of feeling stuck

Sick of putting life on hold

Sick of feeling like I have no control over my body

Sick of being treated like a medical mystery instead of a whole person

Sick of trying to take care of myself and not feel any better off for it

Sick of being poked and prodded

Sick of being judged and patronised

Sick of doctors treating me like I'm some kind of nuisance

Sick of being ignored

Sick of not being taken seriously

Sick of doctors telling me that all of this must somehow be my fault

Sick of poisoning my body with medications that don't help

Sick of people telling me it's all in my head

I'm just so sick of everything...


  1. Hello, just found your blog and I love it :)
    So nice to see someone else posting their journey dealing with endo!
    It's nice to know I'm not alone, and someone is sharing their experience.
    You're doing great! xx

    1. Hi Nia! Lovely to hear from you - always nice to know someone reads my blog :-) You're definitely not alone, and connecting with each other through the internet can be a fantastic thing. There is nothing like talking to a fellow Endo girl who understands. I've actually just relocated my blog over to WordPress - my new blog address is . Hope you see this and continue to follow my blog on the new platform. Hugs, Caroline


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