Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Endo 2014!

As much as I don't want to wish any days of my life away, I have to say that I'm glad to see the end of 2014.

In January of this year, I was finally given a name for my ongoing period / health / pain related issues.  I'd had problems on and off since 2007, but 2013 was when my Gynae issues really started to affect my general health on a daily basis.

After my first Laparoscopic surgery in mid January 2014, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Endometriosis at age 21.  I have now undergone 3 Laparoscopic Surgeries and am still suffering with ongoing (potentially ovary related) pelvic pain.  To add yet another diagnosis, I was told by my Gynaecologist 4 weeks ago that I also have Adenomyosis.  Nice Christmas gift that was!

2014 has been a journey, that's for sure.  In some ways though, I am grateful for it because no matter how tough things have gotten, I have proved to myself how strong I am.  Also, I actually have a really high pain threshold, so that's good to know and I'm sure it will come in handy in the future!

I guess looking forward, I am still left with more questions than answers...

+ Am I going to be able to get my pain under control and keep it there?

+ Is my fatigue going to improve to a point where I can work again,  not have to limit my activities and live a more normal life?

+ Will my Endometriosis and Adenomyosis become more stable so that I have less symptoms?

+ Do I have to be on the Pill for the foreseeable future to control my Gynae issues and how long will this keep them at bay before I need more treatment or  (perish the thought) another Laparoscopic Surgery?

+ Will I be able to sleep naturally again without having to take tablets to help my body remember how to sleep?

I don't have any answers though, so I'll just have to carry on with my body as it is and see what my Gynaecologist has to say at the end of January.

It has been a tough and challenging year for me, that's for sure.

Just want to say a huge thank you to my family and friends for supporting me and accepting me how I am each day.  Also, a huge thank you to all the doctors and nurses who have taken care of me this year.  You have (mostly) done the best you could for me and there are a couple of you who I'd love to go out for a coffee with one day.  ☺

Bring on 2015!  I'm ready for whatever you throw at me.

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