Thursday 8 January 2015

Inside the mind of a GP

I was hoping for a little support from my GP when I went to see her this morning.  Since this has all been going on for over a year now and I am really starting to struggle, especially with my worsening fatigue and racing heart.  You would think that a little bit of sympathy and support wouldn't be that hard to get - right?


Talking about my fatigue that has so far lasted 8 months (very briefly) - "You're just tired because your body is fighting some kind of unknown allergy.  "Here, take this antihistamine for at least 4 weeks (even though she's put me on it before and it kept me up at night with terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea until I stopped taking it) and then we'll see what happens.  Oh, and by the way, it will help with your nausea as well!" 

Talking about my mysterious bloated stomach - "Oh, you're probably constipated."  No I'm not, I know what that feels like from when all the pain meds in hospital made me constipated and I would definitely know if I was!

Talking about my ongoing pelvic pain - "Is it worse than before, or just the same as before?"  Yes, it's the same as before, but it was pretty bad before, so shouldn't you be concerned that it isn't getting any better?  "Oh, I'll just make a note of that."  Great, how is that going to help me???

All the "helpful advice" I got from her today was to be told that I was dwelling on my symptoms too much and that I should learn to distract myself and not focus on how I was feeling!!! 

Mum (who comes to all of my medical appointments as my support person and second brain since my memory is so rubbish) stepped in at that point and told GP that I was really positive and pretty much permanently used the art of distracting myself to just get through the day.  I also added that I tend to go and write down what symptoms I am experiencing (and at what level), then just go and do something else.  Basically, my attitude is if I'm dealing with less symptoms that day, then that's great and I will enjoy it while it lasts.  If it's a bad day, then I just do what my body can handle and settle for that.

There is so much frustration inside me right now, as I feel like I am being treated like a complete idiot and every time I go to see my GP they just say "Here's another tablet - try this" with no real explanation about what might be wrong.  Or alternatively just say there's nothing they can do to help (like my last ex GP), or tell me to wait until my next Specialist appointment, which could be at least  3 -  6 months away depending on how long I've had to wait.

My GP also seems to have a low opinion of me when it comes to trying new tablets.  She says to me to "make sure I give this one a good go" like I don't want to try anything new.  This is not the case at all - I will try anything!!!  Just because I had to stop the last 2 tablets that she put me on due to side effects including stomach cramps, diarrhea, extreme tiredness and blurred vision does not mean I am not open to trying new things!  It just means that those tablets obviously don't agree with me.  Then she asks "How do you know that those symptoms were caused by the tablets I put you on?"  Um, because I didn't have these symptoms until I started the new tablet, and after I stopped it they went away - isn't that logical enough for you?

GPs seem to have very little understanding of Endometriosis and how to take care of their patients who have Gynae issues along with other mysterious symptoms in my case.  Also, they never believe you when you suggest that your other symptoms including worsening fatigue and my fabulously bloated stomach (otherwise known as Endo Belly by some of my bloggy friends) could be related to Endo.  They just say "No, those aren't classified as Endometriosis symptoms."  I get better advice from my fellow Endo Bloggers and other young women who are going through similar things to me than I do from any Medical Doctors - isn't that saying something???

OK, enough GP ranting now.  Time for a song to remind me that I can carry on and that one day everything will be all right again.


1 comment:

  1. Lol I absolutely love this post. So typical of GPs well at least in my experience. It took me a few years to convince my GP there was actually something wrong so I understand the frustration. Think they definitely need to try and encourage GPs to gain more of an understanding about endo. Thank you for posting this tho glad I'm not the only one who's struggled with GPs. X


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