Wednesday 17 December 2014

A Year Ago Today

December 17, 2013.  The first day that a Doctor sat across the table from me, looked me in the face and told me they thought I almost definitely had Endometriosis just from taking the time to listen to my story and growing list of symptoms.  This was an important day because I had finally heard from a medical professional the phrase that I had been both hoping and dreading to hear in equal parts. 

I was sitting in the office of a male General Surgeon (yes, not a female Gynaecologist!) who I had been recommended to by a friend who works in the medical world.  Having had multiple GP visits and seen 2 female Gynecologists at different times during the previous 7 years and getting nowhere, I asked my friend for a recommendation as it was time for a different approach.

It was a relief just to sit there and hear someone finally say that they knew what was wrong with me, why the pain was becoming so unbearable and why more of my life was being disrupted due to my declining health.

To think that a whole year has gone by since that day is a bit scary to be honest with you.  It's like the last 365 days have been swallowed up into a big black hole or something... 

In celebration of the end of this year (and I can tell you I'm glad to see the back of it) here are some random firsts, facts and figures from 2014...

My first... 
+ Admission to hospital
+ Overnight stay in hospital
+ Hospital meal (glad that's over)
+ IV line insertion
+ MRI Scan 

+ Endoscopy
+ Sedation
+ General anaesthetic
+ Surgery
+ Patient Controlled Analgesic :-) 

And here are some totals from my 37 days in hospital during 2014... 
1 Endoscopy
2 MRI Scans
3 Laparoscopic Surgeries
4 General Anaesthetics
5 Ultrasound Scans 

Outpatient appointments attended, pills swallowed, blood tests - too many to count...

I'm just thankful that it's December 2014 and not December 2013 which would mean I'm right back at the beginning of this journey.

Also, you know how people say when they have done something that they wish they had known about it in advance, as they would have done things differently?  Happy that I didn't know beforehand how long and rough this journey was going to be.

I will write more about different parts of my Endometriosis journey in future posts in the New Year.  Until then, wishing you all a Happy New Year and may 2015 bring less pain and better health for all of us Endo Girls!

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