Saturday 21 February 2015

Dr V to the rescue - hopefully...

Today I finally got hold of Dr V as I can't keep going on like this.  The pain is getting worse every day now and I have absolutely no energy due to pain and other related Endo symptoms.  Not sure exactly what is playing up - guess it's just a combination of my Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and grumpy ovary!

Dr V assures me that my body rejecting the medication is quite normal and that she will just have to try me on another pill instead.  I have just been and filled the new prescription, so I'm hoping that these pills will do a better job than the last ones because I'm really struggling right now.

I'll just have to see how things go...  Really hoping these pills will work because I can't bear the thought of continuing to feel like this for another day, let alone another couple of months!


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