Sunday 31 January 2016

So Many Ideas...

Blogging is a strange thing to me.  In the first place, I never thought I would start a Blog for lots of reasons, including the fact that no one would probably read it, and also that I'm quite a private person, so didn't think I would have it in me to spill my thoughts onto the internet!  But I took the plunge and started, and I'm still coming back, so part of me must enjoy it...

The truth is, hardly any people that I know in real life know that this blog exists, basically because I haven't really made a point of talking about it.  I think part of it is shyness, and the other part is a fear of being judged by others about the fact that I write about my health issues and life in general and post it on the internet.  I'm pretty sure that most people would think that was one of the strangest thing you could do when you have a chronic illness, to write about it for the world to see.  I know, even reading those last couple of sentences back makes me think 'What the?  Why on earth am I writing about my Endo journey online so that a whole lot of strangers can read it?'

Strangely enough though, writing about what's going on in my Endo life on my blog is soothing.  It's quite cleansing to write about my frustrations, health concerns and issues that I think are important, and I guess a Blog is just somewhere to try and put that jumble of thoughts together.  Quite often, I feel the need to let off some steam when I have a lot of thoughts running around in my brain, and blogging is just one of the ways I manage my stress levels when everything gets to be too much.

Although, in saying that, I'm not a very good blogger really!  If you keep on scrolling down my Blog pages to have a peek at older posts, you will notice that there are quite a few gaps in the dates.  In some places, it looks like I haven't written anything for months!  This is not the case though...

My Blogger account is full of draft posts - yes really!  When ideas strike, I open up the web page or app and jot down a title, or a few sentences that I think would make a good post.  But, as with many things when you live a life with chronic illness, that's often as far as it goes, despite my best intentions.  Those ideas don't always make it to the blog for many reasons, including lack of energy or focus to write, loss of  inspiration or motivation to write on that topic, or just plain old writer's block.  Basically, sometimes I feel the need to blog it out, and other times I can go for many weeks quite happily without feeling the urge or inspiration to write at all.

I could commit to writing on a certain day of the week, or writing so many times a month, but I'm just not going to do that.  My Course of study starts tomorrow, and that's something I will definitely use deadlines and planning for, more so than other things like blogging where it is a choice whether or not I choose to do it that day.

 I don't need the added pressure and stress that comes with yet another deadline to meet, or the disappointment of not doing what I promised myself I would, because that just doesn't help my emotional state of mind.  There are many things I do regularly and commit to, and I just don't want blogging to start to feel like a chore - I want to enjoy it, and be inspired to write when the feeling strikes.

So, I'll write when I write, and if you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry!  I'm still around, probably just dealing with a downturn in the health department or a short term, acute case of writer's block :-)

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