Sunday 15 March 2015

Adhesive Adhesions

Adhesions is a topic that is not always associated with Endometriosis directly.  It's mostly described as something you develop following surgery.

However, adhesions are related to Endo and I will try to explain how below...

As you probably know, Endometriosis creates lesions inside your body, usually your pelvic cavity, that bleed and cause pain. 

One way that your body tries to heal from these lesions is to do what it usually does as part of the healing process when your body has sustained some kind of trauma - create scar tissue or adhesions.

Adhesions can also be produced by the body as part of the healing process following surgery, for example a laparoscopy in the case of Endo treatment.

So there you go!  A short explanation of  Adhesions and their relationship to Endometriosis.

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