Thursday 5 March 2015

Hopeful and Cruel

Here I am - back to square one again.

Endometriosis is a bit like that.  You start on a new treatment or medication, and you're filled with hope that it will do what the Doctors tell you that it will do.

The first week or two is usually a bit rough as your body adjusts to it, and your hormone levels can be a bit upside down.

When things start to even out after a couple of weeks and you begin to see a positive change, you feel so excited and hopeful that this one just might be it.  That this might just be the thing that eases the pain and symptoms and helps you get your life back a little.

And then it starts.  The downhill slide.

The pain and symptoms start to return, and you feel so tired and ill.  You begin to question why nothing works.  Why it either doesn't work at all, or even worse it gives you some relief and just when you begin to hope, it all comes crashing down again.

At the end of the day, it all comes as part and parcel of having a chronic illness unfortunately.  Some things work and others don't, and you just have to ride the wave until the sea calms and it all begins to even out again.

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